Application Fee Waived Until March 31, 2025

Entrepreneurship and the Creative Mindset

3 Credit Hours

module description

Entrepreneurship is a crucial skill for the 21st century manager. The creation and introduction of new goods and services to markets requires personal and organizational creativity alongside the ability to successfully conduct the corresponding change process in any context. This module will unleash the students’ creative abilities and apply them to the development of a real new product/service idea to be introduced in a business context. We will make use of lectures, case-studies, interactive exercises, and challenging debates throughout the module.


Tiago Ratinho, PH.D.


Dr. Ratinho is an energetic and innovative entrepreneurship educator. All his classes are experiential exposing students to real life challenges. Course work involves surveying customers, interviewing entrepreneurs, and consulting with industry experts as well as live presentations with invited experts. As a researcher, Dr. Ratinho is currently interested in finding out which types of Entrepreneurial Strategies lead to superior firm performance. As an active member of the Effectuation community, he has a keen interest in understanding how entrepreneurs practice through asking and how psychological variables explain entrepreneurial behavior. At the same time, he is fascinated with Entrepreneurship Support mechanisms, how and when those can impact entrepreneurial development. 

Dr. Ratinho currently directs the MSc in Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship addendum – semester long programs running alongside the IESEG incubator to deliver students a real-life hands-on experience in the first steps of company creation. Before starting his academic career, he consulted to small firms and worked as quality manager. He successfully assisted all his customers to obtain external ISO 9001 certification.