Application Fee Waived Until March 31, 2025

Business Analytics and Data-Driven Decision Making

3 Credit Hours

module description

The explosive growth in the amount of data created in the world by humans and machines continues to accelerate. This data deluge coupled with a societal awareness of the strategic value of data, has engendered a global business paradigm shift: the advent of a data-driven business era.  In this new data-driven business world, business entrepreneurs and managers must get used to evolving in a volatile, fast changing and technology-driven business environment, and thus acquire new forms of expertise that are at the junction of management, advanced statistics, computer science but also artificial intelligence. This module aims at providing a solid multi-disciplinary training to help students equip with the necessary skill sets to solve today’s business problems through the use of business analytics techniques, and become an essential part of their future companies’ decision-making process.


Kevin Carillo, PH.D.

PROFESSOR OF Data Analytics

Dr. Kevin Carillo is an Associate Professor in Data Science & Information Systems at Toulouse Business School (France). He is the director of the Master of Science in Big Data, Marketing & Management. Dr. Carillo holds a Ph.D. degree in Information Systems from the School of Information Management of Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, a Master’s Degree in Software Engineering and Applied Mathematics (ENSEEIHT, Toulouse, France) and a Master of Science in Business Administration, option Management Information Systems (John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada). His current research interests include artificial intelligence, big data and data-driven business, free/open source software communities, online communities, and peer production.

He has authored scientific publications in academic journals such as the European Journal of Information Systems (EJIS), Journal of Information Technology (JIT), Information & Management (I&M), Journal of Strategic Information systems (JSIS), Communications of the Association for Information Systems (CAIS) and European Management Review (EMR), among others.